#keeppushing #keephammering #keeppracticing #keepfighting #fillintheblank The hashtags can #keepgoing and going to help keep us going. Reading social media posts with hashtags that influence us to push through obstacles is both motivating and an awareness that we are not alone. People, everywhere, are experiencing trials, disappointments, failures, and proud moments from #keepingonkeepingon. Get through and past an obstacle, learn and grow from it, build from it, and keep going. We aren’t meant to stop, quit, or turn around without some effect on ourselves. From the first sin in the Garden of Eden, there would be struggles in everything. Be encouraged that you are not alone, you are meant to grow, and you can be an encourager for someone else. #askquestions #learnmore #trymore #livemore You can use obstacles as a stopping point, or you can choose to see and use them as a starting point. It’s a great opportunity to live in the moment and enjoy each experience. Well, not every experience is enjoyable, but choosing to find the positive in each is fulfilling. This is a horse trainer's post, so get in the saddle and implement those hashtags to #enjoytheride, every ride, and every opportunity to learn something that will make you a better horseman and human.